17109: यूरोप वसोबास गर्ने ३४ वर्षीय इन्जिनियर व्राम्हण केटालाई असल जीवनसाथी चाहियो ।

17109: यूरोप वसोबास गर्ने ३४ वर्षीय इन्जिनियर व्राम्हण केटालाई असल जीवनसाथी चाहियो ।

17109: यूरोप वसोबास गर्ने ३४ वर्षीय इन्जिनियर व्राम्हण केटालाई असल  जीवनसाथी चाहियो ।

Ma Europe Basdai aayeko keta ho. Mero Europe ma Engineering pesa ma aabada xu. PR on the way xa. As for hobby and Interest, i like going for hiking, travelling, social gathering, playing and watching sports (football,cricket & ski), and listening music.

I am looking for simple Brahmin girl (about 25-29) years who had completed Bachelor Degree in any fields(preferenece Medical and Enginnering field). I am looking for girl who is independent, understanding, supportive and have strong desire to do something in life to make betterment of life.